
Attack on Hatch Draws Rebuke

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I would like to remind Jeffery Su, whose letter (Times, Feb. 9) attacked Monterey Park Mayor Barry Hatch, that he ought to be on track when writing such a letter.

I am not sure that attending City Council meetings alone provides enough information to accuse someone of “verbal bullying,” as he did Hatch.

If Hatch made one single decision that went against the will of the people, Su did not state it in the letter. He may have to swallow that because he is a councilman, but I don’t.


I am sure that Hatch has very little trouble with the law and that he does not threaten people. He served his country in the Army, which entitles him to the same freedoms that Su expects.

He cherishes Monterey Park and only wants it to remain what it has been to him for 52 years. There is nothing inhuman about that.


Monterey Park
