
More Power Urged for U.N. to Curb Atmospheric Pollution

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From the Washington Post

Representatives of 24 nations, gathered here at an environmental conference, called Saturday for increased authority in the United Nations to police the global atmosphere and for “appropriate measures” to enforce its directives.

The appeal by leaders of 15 nations and ranking envoys from nine others marked the broadest and highest-level expression to date of political determination to take swift steps to organize worldwide protection of the Earth’s threatened atmosphere, the officials declared. They called on “all states of the world” to endorse their work and join in negotiating the new U.N. authority and financing its operations.

“People are aware, and they are worried,” said Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland of Norway, who organized the two-day conference along with Premier Michel Rocard of France and Prime Minister Ruud Lubbers of the Netherlands.
