
The Nation - News from March 26, 1989

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As Americans look to the approach of the April 17 tax deadline, they are expressing more doubts than ever that the Tax Reform Act of 1986 actually made the system fairer, according to a Gallup Poll. In the survey on 1986 tax reforms, 39% of Americans say that tax reform has made for a less equitable distribution of the tax load, while only 13% of respondents feel the system spreads the tax load more fairly. An additional third (33%) think it has not made much difference. By contrast, a 1986 Gallup Poll found a majority of the respondents felt the new tax bill would either be no different (36%), or fairer (27%). Only one-fifth said it would be less fair (20%). About three-quarters (76%) of Americans expect taxes to rise. One-fifth (19%) think taxes will remain at their current level.
