
North’s Trial in Iran-Contra Fiasco


I have been following the reports of Lt. Col. Oliver North’s trial in the press and television news.

I am appalled to hear the complaint of North that he “was only following orders”--implying he was just a good scout--doing his job.

What armed forces was he commissioned into? I, too, was a commissioned officer of the United States Army. My oath at commissioning included the phrase “to obey the lawful orders of the commander in chief and those appointed over me.” North has abrogated his personal responsibility.


Have we forgotten the same plaintive plea from Lt. William Calley of My Lai massacre notoriety? Or what about the Nazis at the Nuremberg trials?

For Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and the others who say this is not a comparable issue--remember they too supported President Nixon’s attempt to subvert the constitutional two-party system at Watergate.

How can Republicans who are supposed to be the party which supports individualism--including individual responsibility--be such advocates of an “imperial” executive branch?

North is guilty of not only breaking the law, but also violating his military code of honor. He is legally and morally guilty and should be so judged and sentenced.

If anyone wants to express concern about ethical relativism today among our young, look at their role models--our “alleged” leaders in the halls of power!


Los Angeles
