
The Nation - News from April 16, 1989

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A federal judge in Miami denied motions by Eastern Airlines unions to dismiss a $1.5-billion suit filed before the current strike began on March 4 and accusing the unions of racketeering, extortion and fraud, a spokesman for the airline said. Robin Matell said U.S. District Judge William Hoeveler told lawyers on both sides that he had rejected the unions’ contention that the suit was without merit and should be dismissed. A spokesman for the striking International Assn. of Machinists said the union had not confirmed the report and had no comment on it. Spokesmen for the pilots and flight attendants unions were unavailable. Meanwhile, the strike by the machinists entered its sixth week while pilots and flight attendants continued to honor the picket lines. Eastern has been virtually grounded by the walkout. The airline has since filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection from creditors.
