
STAGE REVIEW : ‘Don’t Drink Water’ Provides Too Few Laughs for This Cast

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There are still people who think Woody Allen’s earlier movies (and the plays some of them were based on) are his funniest works.

They’ll take “Sleeper” over “Annie Hall,” “Play It Again, Sam” before “Manhattan” and “Take the Money and Run” over “Hannah and Her Sisters.” Different styles for different smiles.

“Don’t Drink the Water,” currently revived at the San Clemente Community Theater, argues for those who prefer the later stuff. The comedy, first produced for the stage in 1966, shows how far Allen has come.


This loopy story of a New Jersey family forced to hide in an American Embassy behind the Iron Curtain after being mistaken for spies does have a few nifty lines and scenes. Even a couple of super ones. But it also has more than its share of corn and contrivance.

Director Caren Ross and her cast do reasonably well when the jokes are on, but don’t always have the necessary timing to make the middling ones work and certainly not enough to plump up the flat ones. The production provides laughs, especially in the punchier, better-written first act, but it’s a hit-and-miss affair.

Most of the giggles come when Marge Anderson’s Marion and Joe Abrams’ Walter are on stage. This “Don’t Drink the Water” tends to work better when these two go at it, arguing either with each other or with Axel Magee (John Brennan), the incredibly ineffectual diplomat’s son who tries to steer them through this international mess.


Walter is among the first in a long line of Allen complainers. His job may be catering weddings and bar mitzvahs, but his hobby is full-tilt kvetching. Everything annoys him and everything is a target for his fast-talking sarcasm. He’s ready to take anybody on, whether it’s the embassy’s swishy chef or the local Luger-toting KGB man.

But “Don’t Drink the Water,” despite the locale, is really a domestic comedy, so it’s Marion whom he takes on most of the time. She’s a worthy adversary too, especially through Anderson’s spunky interpretation. Anderson and Abrams almost make this show click.

Well, almost. In the end, it’s a case of minor-league Woody Allen being handled in a pretty routine way.



A San Clemente Community Theater production of Woody Allen’s comedy. Directed by Caren Ross. With Steven Jay Warner, Bob Doren, Sheree Carnes, John Brennan, Marge Anderson, Joe Abrams, Carolyn Mattson, Steve Casey, C.J. Wright, Richard Tudor, Doug W. Dowen, Susan Girard, Karin Berry, Joan Priestley and Peggy Jacobson. Set by Reed Boyer, Robert Markham, Diane Green, C.J. Wright and Doug W. Dowen. Plays Wednesday through Saturday at 8 p.m. Matinee at 2 p.m. this Sunday only. Through May 6 at the Cabrillo Playhouse, 202 Avenida Cabrillo, San Clemente. Tickets: $7. (714) 492-0465.
