
Infant Mortality

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In response to Sen. Bill Bradley’s (D-N.J.) column “Infant Mortality: A National Disgrace,” Op-Ed Page, April 21:

The national disgrace is that so many Americans irresponsibly become parents. The associated mortality is simply the unfortunate bed that these parents have made for their children. If we continue to hold individual freedom as the highest value, then we have to accept the results; including high rates of unwanted infant mortality, and even worse, high rates of unwanted infant survival and the subsequent misspent lives.

If America were to elevate fairness, compassion, and sensible economy to high values, then shoveling money at infant mortality prevention would be necessary; but also logically and ethically, we would have to promote individual responsibility in various ways, including restrictions on inappropriate parenthood. I believe America will not accept that sort of restriction. Nevertheless, our collective guilt will cause the proposed funding to be found. It is hard to imagine a clearer case of treating a symptom while the disease runs rampant.



