
Driver With Squirrel Tied to Car Is Cited

From United Press International

A man who drove a Cadillac with a live squirrel tied to a windshield wiper was charged with unlawful possession of the bushy tailed rodent, officials said Monday.

John B. Griffin, 49, described as “a loner” who may be living at an area campground, was arrested Sunday after witnesses complained of a car traveling on Main Street with a squirrel attached to a windshield wiper, Police Chief Gary Sibilia said.

Griffin was “irate and combative” when police stopped him, Sibilia said. The squirrel, tied to the wiper by a nylon cord, was “frightened but not hurt,” Sibilia said.


“He said the squirrel was his friend,” Sibilia said. “The squirrel’s fine now. It was taken by the environmental police, who brought it to a sanctuary.”

Griffin was charged with disorderly conduct and illegal possession of a gray squirrel, Sibilia said.
