
Controversy Over Korean War Memorial Site in San Pedro

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Regarding the article about the proposed Korean War memorial in San Pedro, may we say thank you to the commission. The decision that this strident and war glorifying statuary was inappropriate for the Korean bell seascape location was a sensitive and sensible one.

Undoubtedly all of us are grateful and beholden to those who served our country in combat; but on the other hand, we are also responsible for the generations to come. In order to satisfy the veterans’ desire for self-expression, a unique and inspiring setting for everyone would have to be blighted.

Let’s face it, the Korean veterans, and ourselves, too, will be dead 10 to 15 years from now. But this monstrous monument, made of bronze, not sand, would be standing forevermore, eternally blotting the inspirational view with its automatic rifles, hand grenades and bazooka guns. The beautiful bell would be disgraced. In fact, the bell should be monument enough.


And the veterans are not forgotten: Memorials to honor all U.S. Korean War veterans are being erected in a most prominent place in Washington, D.C., and also in Sacramento. This is as it should be; and the commission’s decision is equally proper.


