
Contra Aid

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Recently President Bush and the Congress, dominated by the Democrats, agreed to provide $50 million in humanitarian help to the Nicaraguan Resistance, to see if the Sandinistas will really carry out the agreement signed in El Salvador, in which they promised to move forward the elections and to make them fully free.

The Sandinistas did not realize that the Bush Administration would make such an agreement with Congress; the Sandinistas thought that by just signing the accords, the Contras would be annihilated and that the promise of free elections would just be another fraud as many other promises that they never completed. The Sandinistas’ headache is the Nicaraguan Resistance (Contras) and they know that they have to destroy them.

We Nicaraguans living in the exile support the idea of keeping the Resistance alive because this gives us the hope that some day Nicaraguan families will be together again. It gives us the hope that some day we will go back to that land we love, to a free and democratic Nicaragua.



Culver City
