
LOCAL : Teachers Resume Picketing, Half of Pupils Out; Strike Enters 2nd Week

<i> From Times wire services </i>

Striking teachers returned to the picket lines and more than half the students in the Los Angeles Unified School District continued to stay out of classes today as the district’s teacher walkout entered its second week.

Los Angeles school board members began closed-door meetings this morning and striking teachers staged a massive rally at the Los Angeles Sports Arena, but no new talks between the two sides are planned.

Negotiations between the district and representatives of United Teachers-Los Angeles broke off Sunday with union leaders charging the school board with bad faith bargaining. The district has offered teachers a 21.5% pay hike over three years with the possibility of an additional 2.5% increase for the next school year. The teachers are asking for a guaranteed 26% pay increase over three years as well as a stronger voice in how schools are run.
