
Debate Over Gay Pride Event, Irvine Ordinance

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Last summer, at the request of the homosexual community and against the wishes of hundreds of Irvine residents, who packed the Irvine City Council chambers, the Irvine City Council adopted a “human rights” ordinance that would include protection for one’s “sexual orientation.”

The ordinance, defines “sexual orientation” as “heterosexuality, homosexuality, or bisexuality.”

I personally feel this ordinance currently condones the acts of heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality. It is not the role of government to condone any sexual practice. One’s sexual activities should be kept private and not be made a political football for any reason.


Discussions surrounding this ordinance have missed the point. The Irvine City Council and homosexual community tell us that if the term sexual orientation is deleted from the ordinance, then it will be legal to discriminate against homosexuals. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The City Council and homosexual community state that the deletion of the term “sexual orientation” would prevent homosexuals from living and working in Irvine and would legalize discrimination against homosexuals. By the city’s own definition, this argument is absurd. To use its logic, the deletion of the words “sexual orientation” would also legalize discrimination against heterosexuals and prevent heterosexuals from living or working in Irvine as well.

Obviously, the argument of the City Council and the homosexual community is filled with error. So their recourse has been to resort to scare tactics, name calling, and distortions in an effort to hide the truth.



