
She’s Democrat : Korenstein Mailer Aimed at GOP Voters

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Times Staff Writer

Los Angeles school board member Julie Korenstein, a longtime supporter of liberal Democrat causes, helped pay for a Republican slate mailer that describes her as a politician who would “continue the Reagan tradition of fiscal conservatism.”

Korenstein, 45, who is seeking reelection on June 6, has been active in state Democratic politics for several years and has worked in the nuclear-freeze movement.

But the mailer, which features two portraits of former President Ronald Reagan and the Republican Party elephant logo, does not mention Korenstein’s liberal background, her registration as a Democrat or her support of United Teachers-Los Angeles. The union, which is backing Korenstein, last month staged a nine-day strike that crippled the 600-school system.


‘Our Taxpayer Team’

The flyer, distributed by the L.A. Taxpayers Alliance, says Republicans should vote for “our taxpayer team,” which includes Korenstein and Los Angeles Community College Board candidates Rose Ochi and Althea Baker.

Ochi and Baker, also registered Democrats, helped pay for the mailer along with Korenstein, whose committee contributed $1,500 toward the brochure, according to campaign disclosure statements filed last month.

Although the mailer had been out for at least two days, Korenstein said Friday that she had not seen it. She said she did not participate in putting it together.


“I am supported by both Republicans and Democrats,” said Korenstein, who fell 57 votes short of winning back her West Valley board seat outright last April. “In all campaigns, whether it’s right or it’s wrong, candidates put their name on slate mailers. When I do my own mailer, it’s a whole different situation.

“Maybe we should outlaw all slate mailers,” she added. “But I did not make this one up.”

Under one portrait of Reagan the mailer reads: “We welcome back to Los Angeles our most prominent citizen, former President Ronald Reagan.” It suggests that recipients send Reagan a “Father’s Day greeting.”

Korenstein said she has never supported Reagan.

No Endorsement

A statement from Reagan’s office said the former President “never has authorized any candidate to use his name or imply his support in these races. He has not made any endorsement in the upcoming election.”


Reagan spokesmen did not say whether any action concerning the mailer would be taken.

The mailer contains a quote from school board President Roberta Weintraub, saying that she supports Korenstein. The mailer says the incumbent is backed by other Republican leaders such as Los Angeles City Councilman Joel Wachs.

Weintraub and Wachs could not be reached for comment.

The dispute provoked new bitterness between Korenstein and her opponent, Jerry Horowitz, principal of Byrd Junior High School in Sun Valley.

Horowitz called the Republican mailer endorsing Korenstein “despicable and unethical. To steal the Republican Party logo and use the President is outrageous. Never in my entire voting life have I seen anything as outrageous as this.”

Horowitz is criticized in the mailer as a “longtime Democratic activist. Don’t be fooled that Horowitz is a Republican.”

Now a Republican

Horowitz said Friday that he had never been a Democratic activist. However, he was registered as a Democrat until Tuesday, when he changed his registration to Republican, he said.

The Nonpartisan Candidate Evaluation Council, a group of Republicans, distributed a mailer last week endorsing Horowitz.


State Assemblywoman Marian W. La Follette (R-Northridge) denounced the mailer endorsing Korenstein at a news conference to repeat her earlier endorsement of Horowitz. She said the mailer was a “breach of decency.” She said she would consider writing legislation to require verification of endorsements implied by such mailers.

“We can’t continue to allow that kind of sleazy operation,” she said.
