
Blame for Oil Spill in Alaska


There has been a lot of flap relating to the Exxon incident at Prince William’s Sound in Alaska, meaning the oil spill. Some state that the captain of the Exxon Valdez is responsible for the oil spill. That, I feel, is somewhat unusual.

I read where customers are turning in their Exxon credit cards because of the oil spill, claiming that Exxon is responsible. I believe that all of the United States, all of the people who drive automobiles and any machinery that uses gasoline are responsible for that oil spill.

I feel that if it were not for Exxon, a big percentage of the people in the United States would not be driving an automobile, they would be walking.


I also believe that all citizens in America who drive automobiles are responsible for that oil spill.

I think the blame should be right here in America. If it were not our demand for oil, that oil tanker would not be sailing and that incident would not have happened. I feel that at least some of the blame should be placed on all of us who drive automobiles.


