
War on Women Must Stop--Bush

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From Associated Press

President Bush on Monday said that “archaic and unacceptable” attitudes toward women help breed violent crimes against them and can rob them of full equality in American life.

“This war against women must stop,” Bush declared in an address to 2,000 people at a convention of the American Assn. of University Women.

He said women can be victims not only of husbands’ abuse and street violence but also economic victims of “a climate of fear” that leaves them afraid to work late or walk to a library at night.


He said it was “unthinkable” that his seven granddaughters should not have the same opportunities in life as his four grandsons. However, he added:

“No matter how equal the opportunities in our schools and workplace, women will never have the same opportunities as men if a climate of fear leaves them justifiably concerned at walking to the campus library at night or reluctant to work late hours for fear of getting out of some parking lot safely.”

He did not propose any specific new remedies to protect women, but he said that they would gain wider protection from the $1.2-billion anti-crime package he sent Congress on June 15.
