
Furor Over Flag Burning


Bethell’s column was typical of a conservative’s self-righteousness.

By saying that the Supreme Court is “inviting backlash,” Bethell’s reasoning seems to imply that simply because some people will have their egos bruised or their feelings hurt from burning the flag that that is reason enough to outlaw such a form of expression.

Then he insults the intelligence of those who may disagree with him by saying that the “problem” is that allowing flag burning “departs from common sense.” Why? Because of all the people who might be upset by it? Awww!

He concludes his dribble by stating--presumptuously--that burning the flag “is one that aims to inflict injury on those who hold the flag dear.”


On the same page Alan Dershowitz makes a more rational statement by saying that “in a free society, a government should not dictate the form of content of communications critical of its policies.”

Now, that’s the America I’ve come to know and love!


Los Angeles
