
Orange County Fireworks Ban


It is unfortunate that the Los Angeles Times and apparently a handful of others still cling to the idea that if something is banned, no one will obtain it or use it. In your editorial “A Ban Against Fireworks Should Be Countywide” (July 2), you continue to wring out the same tired reasons you feel a ban on all fireworks is necessary.

Actually, most states allow their residents to legally purchase and use some type of fireworks for the Fourth of July. Eight allow all types of class C fireworks, including firecrackers, skyrockets and star shells. I’m not saying those should be legal here, but I do feel most residents of California are responsible enough that they should be able to purchase some items legally if they choose to do so.

It’s also disappointing that you choose to criticize the groups that still sell legal fireworks somewhat harshly. It’s never been easy to raise funds, no matter how you do it. And despite how you feel about them, fireworks are a very popular item. Nobody is forced to buy any, but sales continue to do well year after year.


As for the Boy Scouts, I really don’t care whether they sell fireworks or not, but it is interesting that an organization that tries to teach young people how to do things correctly and responsibly says no to something that, in a way, can be a teaching tool. Most people handle flammable objects many times during a life, be they matches, road flares or any of a thousand other things. Why not instruct them on how to handle legal fireworks correctly? Personally, I can’t help wondering whether they have since canceled all cookouts and campfires too, since those can also be hazardous if misused.

No item is risk-free, but legal fireworks are probably the safest items of their kind sold anywhere to the public. I have tried most class C items in various states where they are legally sold, so I know something of where I speak.

Urge proper use and proper supervision. Strongly discourage use of illegal goods and offer the best and most reliable products in their place, and I think you will achieve much more than you would with a total ban. I sincerely hope that the seven Orange County cities that allow legal fireworks sales and use will continue to do so.


