
NATION : Miners, Firm Resume Negotiations

<i> From Times wire service</i> s

United Mine Workers and Pittston Co. officials began federally mediated contract talks today, the first negotiations in the bitter coal strike in six weeks.

Outside the closed-door sessions, negotiators blamed each other for the long stalemate, which has led to wildcat sympathy strikes at other companies that idled as many as 46,000 miners at various times.

Pittston Coal Group President Michael Odom said it is up to the union to get talks moving by responding to the company’s latest contract offer.


The parties spent four hours with a judge Tuesday before agreeing to resume negotiations. Talks had broken down June 8. About 1,900 UMW miners are striking Pittston for its refusal to sign a national contract guaranteeing full medical benefits for pensioners and prohibiting mandatory overtime and Sunday work.
