
Mens’ Clubs as ‘Tree Houses’

I read your piece (“Club Doors Still Only Slightly Ajar,” Part I, July 15), about the women’s struggle to crash the all-male clubs with morbid fascination.

I’ve attended most of the clubs your writer mentions and found them--and their membership--dull. In fact, had I wandered into similar bars during happy hour, I would’ve ordered a short beer, suffered through one or two of the stale male jokes, and wandered out.

What these women are assaulting is a “tree-house” mentality, perpetuated by a gang of 60-year-old kids who imagine they’ve reached the pinnacle of their careers as “regular fellas” because their pals invited them to join the club and they don’t need no “sissy girls” around to screw things up.


So why bother?


Playa del Rey
