
When the Siver Screen Turns Red: Opinions on Movie Violence : ‘Batman the killer is not a hero for our times...’

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“Batman” is a pornographic film. It graphically shows murder as a fun-filled, enjoyable act.

In one scene Jack Nicholson (as the Joker) shoots Jack Palance while the two are face to face. Then in a macabre dance, he shoots him from behind his back, from over his shoulder, from over his head, all the while laughing and prancing. Such fun!

And the audience at the showing I attended--an audience that consisted of many children under the recommended age of 13--laughed along with Nicholson.


I can just see some drug-high gang member, imitating Nicholson’s shooting dance, as he guns down a rival gang member--to the laughter and applause of his fellow gang members.

Children--and adults--imitate their heroes. And who are our heroes today? The Joker, Rambo, the Clint Eastwood and Mel Gibson characters--all violent, murdering, usually cold, unfeeling, sometimes crazed people.

The conscience of the film industry is buried under money. “Batman” has already made more than $100 million. Each million probably will cost a life somewhere. But who cares--not the film industry, not the government and apparently not the people. The cameras roll, the money pours in, murders continue.



