
County Supervisors’ OK of 25% Boost in Their Salaries

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I’m not amused by the recent 25% pay raise, and recommendation to fix subsequent raises to judicial pay scales, unanimously adopted by the Orange County Board of Supervisors.

Like many, many taxpayers, I find the pay hikes totally out of line considering the pernicious financial condition Orange County is experiencing. Moreover, given what I consider to be less than exemplary performances by board members, I find the pay increase extraordinarily insulting.

Supervisor Stanton, defending the hike for alleged lack of opposition, was quoted in The Times: “When there are 2.3 million people in the county, the percentage (of complaints about the pay hike) was very small.” Well, supervisors didn’t listen last year when hundreds of taxpayers came before the board with 40,000 signed letters from Orange County residents and visitors who oppose the desecration of Laguna Canyon by the Irvine Co.’s planned housing project.


Therefore, I must suggest that the supervisors go out and buy themselves hearing aids with their new-found wealth.


Laguna Beach
