
Irvine : Professors Speaking at Assn. Conference

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UC Irvine faculty members from the social ecology program are discussing such issues as the ethics of prolonging life with medical technology and the happiness of children of employed mothers at a psychologists’ convention in New Orleans.

One of five master lecturers at the American Psychological Assn. annual meeting is Salvatore Maddi, UCI professor of social ecology. He is scheduled to discuss the legal, financial and ethical effects of prolonging life by heroic measures today.

Social ecology professor Ellen Greenberger was the chairwoman for a symposium on the effects of mothers’ employment on children on Friday.


Planned for today is a discussion by Elaine Vaughn, assistant professor of social ecology, and graduate student Brenda Nordenstam on their research into the psychological and physical effects of pesticides on migrant workers.

David Dooley, also a professor of social ecology, will present findings from his research on the emotional and behavioral effects of unemployment Sunday. Two UCI faculty members will receive awards at the convention today. Donald Hoffman, associate professor of cognitive science and computer science, will be presented the association’s Distinguished Scientific Award for his contribution early in his career to the field in the areas of sensation and perception. Lyman Porter, professor of management, will receive the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award.

The convention began Friday and will end Tuesday.
