
San Diego

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An autopsy performed Monday revealed no signs of violence on the body of an inmate who died in County Jail last week, a Sheriff’s official said.

The body of Eddie George Baca, 37, was discovered in his downtown jail cell early Friday by fellow inmates. “Right now, it appears to be a natural death,” said Sheriff’s Sgt. Manny Castillo.

Baca’s relatives have charged that jail guards ignored warnings by other inmates that Baca was having trouble breathing. But inmates who shared the cell with Baca told investigators that they did not alert the guards, Castillo said.


A county grand jury concluded in May that inmates received inadequate medical care in the county jails. But Castillo said Baca received adequate treatment for his heroin withdrawal symptoms. The dead man’s family has denied allegations that Baca was a heroin addict.

Deputy Coroner George Dickason said the cause of Baca’s death cannot be determined until histology and toxicology tests are completed in the next four to six weeks.
