
Frank Admits He Canceled Lover’s Parking Tickets

From Reuters

Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) said today that he used his congressional immunity to write off delinquent parking tickets for a personal aide who also was a male prostitute, but only when the assistant was on official business for him.

Frank said the aide, Stephen L. Gobie, had used his car while on official business and had access to the car when he was away.

“There are some occasions when tickets were issued even though the car was being used on official business,” Frank said in a statement. “I did ask that such tickets be waived” by writing to the House sergeant-at-arms, he said.


Frank’s statement elaborated on comments he made in an interview published in today’s editions of the Washington Times.

The lawmaker branded as “lies” Gobie’s assertion to the paper that Frank had knowingly intervened to waive tickets the aide received while using Frank’s car to keep appointments for illicit sex.

Gobie, who contends that he operated an escort service using Frank’s car and Capitol Hill apartment, told the newspaper he used the car to transport prostitutes and even to have sex.
