
Debate Over Fairness of Prop. 13


The defense of Proposition 13’s “fairness” by Coupal is the most stupid thing I’ve heard yet on this subject.

There is no way Coupal can convince a Californian with 68 years of seniority in this state that it is fair for him to pay 10 times as much tax as a transplanted Iowan who was lucky enough to land here just prior to Proposition 13’s passage.

Many people have to move and buy homes again through no fault of their own and cannot plan their lifetime property taxes.


Until Proposition 13 was passed, California’s Constitution mandated taxation according to value and it is still the best tax rule.

What makes it so frustrating is that the benefits of both situations are possible--tax according to value plus maintenance of a limit on tax rates, perhaps .8 of 1% maximum plus the current 2% increase (in assessed valuation) per year.

Why won’t it happen? The fat cats in Brentwood, Palos Verdes, Rancho Santa Fe, etc. who control opinion and who sit on property with absurdly low taxes will not permit it.

Coupal must be getting desperate to base his argument on fairness.


