
Greeting Gorillas : A Wagon Tale

In the April 9 Travel Section I read an article by Norman Dash about a covered wagon trip in Wyoming. I decided to take that journey back in time and I’d like you to know that it was an authentic time for me and the others, as we spent four days on the Oregon Trail by wagon, horse and walking.

Trails West is a first-class outfit and should be given credit for recreating a wagon trip that gives one a great admiration for the pioneers who toughed it out four to six months traveling this terrain.

Fly into Riverton Airport, only 70 miles from South Pass City. Trails West provides transportation to and from the airport. The owners, Bill and Nona Bates, are warm and genuinely nice. Cost for four days on the Oregon Trail is $450. Trails West is at 65 Main St., South Pass City, Wyo. 82520, (800) 327-4052.



Los Angeles
