
Baker Tells U.S. Options on Panama : Dismisses ‘Armchair’ Critics of Failure to Assist Coup

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From Associated Press

Secretary of State James A. Baker III said today the United States reserves the right to use military force against Panamanian leader Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega, and dismissed “armchair generals” who faulted the Administration for not aiding Tuesday’s failed coup.

White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater said the Administration had known since the weekend about the coup plans but the rebels never asked for U.S. assistance and “we did not promise any involvement in the coup.”

Baker, testifying before the Senate Finance Committee, said: “The United States retains the option to use American forces. That option has never been ruled out. But if you’re going to risk American lives, it’s the President’s view that you do so on your own timetable.


“You do so based on your own plans. At a time of maximum opportunity and advantage. You don’t do so on the basis of someone else’s plans and in response to rapidly changing circumstances,” he said.

At the Pentagon, one official said various military options were discussed Tuesday with the President as the coup unfolded. Another official said: “When it appeared as though Noriega might have been dethroned . . . there were several options considered, none of which was going in and getting him.”

A number of members of Congress criticized the Bush Administration for failing to support the coup leaders.


“It’s easy to be an armchair general,” Baker said, without informing the committee members whether the rebels had at least tacit assurances of U.S. support, as some reports have suggested.

Baker said Bush acted immediately to do two things--to safeguard American lives and to assure the security of the Panama Canal, just as the United States is obligated to do under the Panama Canal treaties.

After the hearing, Baker refused to say whether the U.S. military had offered any assurances of support to the insurgents.
