
Candidate Accused of Illegal Mailings

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The Fair Political Practices Commission has accused Republican state Senate candidate Don Knabe of sending an illegal campaign piece to 400 disabled veterans in his unsuccessful 1988 bid to defeat Sen. Cecil N. Green (D-Norwalk).

In the final weeks of the campaign, Knabe, a former Cerritos city councilman and chief deputy for Los Angeles County Supervisor Deane Dana, sent out a letter by a past national commander of American Disabled Veterans, Sherman E. Roodzant. The mailer attacked Green for “callous misuse of the American flag” and “blatant disregard for America’s veterans.”

The letter itself indicated in small type that the mailing was paid for by Knabe’s campaign, but the law requires full identification of the sender on the envelope as well.


“We are surprised at the tenacity (of the commission) over 400 envelopes,” said Knabe, who blamed the problem on a printer’s oversight.

If the commission upholds the charge, Knabe could be fined $2,000.
