
Zsa Zsa Gabor Found Guilty

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The Zsa Zsa Gabor gambit would be a matter of little interest to the State Advisory Board on Alcohol-Related Problems if it were not for the only undisputed fact emerging from the incident. The presence of an open container of an alcoholic beverage in Miss Gabor’s vehicle, which was explained by Miss Gabor as the property of her husband the prince, is nevertheless a serious violation of the California Vehicle Code. The ownership of the container involved has nothing to do with the culpability of the driver of a vehicle, a fact that has been all but ignored by the media which seemed more concerned with designer clothing and clever remarks than the potentially volatile combination of available alcohol in the driver’s portion of a car. When the press passes over this particular violation, the unsaid message to the public is that perhaps this is only a minor incident which probably was dismissed.

When Joe Hardhat stops at a gas station-mini mart to fuel his car and pick up a beer on the way home, chances are he will get stopped if he cracks the can en route. He will pay a large fine and may lose his driver’s license. The cost of his insurance will escalate, or it will be canceled. Anyone who finds himself in a similar situation will enjoy the same fate as Mr. Hardhat. Zsa Zsa is no different.


Secretary, State Advisory Board

on Alcohol-Related Problems

