
Study Cites Energy-Saving Appliances

From Associated Press

Consumers can save nearly $150 a year by using the most energy-efficient appliances sold in the United States, according to an independent nonprofit energy research group.

“There are many factors that consumers need to look at in purchasing appliances. Energy is one of them,” said Steve Nadel, senior associate at the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy.

Since “one-third of the electricity produced in the U.S. is consumed in our homes” the council recommends that consumers pay closer attention to the EnergyGuide labels affixed to new appliances. The group has published a guide entitled “The Most Energy-Efficient Appliances.”


“If all the households in the U.S. had the most efficient refrigerators currently available, the electricity savings would eliminate the need for about 10 large power plants,” the report said.

“Using appliances and heating and cooling equipment costs an average household more than $1,000 per year,” the report said.

“We estimate that these standards will save consumers at least $28 billion over the lifetimes of the products sold through the year 2000,” the report concluded.

The council report rates a Frigidaire 18.6-cubic-foot model as the most efficient in that size category. Based on a national average energy cost of 7.7 cents per kilowatt hour, the booklet estimates the annual cost to run the Frigidaire at $65, a savings of $47 a year over the average inefficient refrigerator.

The council rates a White-Westinghouse dishwasher, which costs $38 a year to operate, and a Gibson front-loading standard-size washing machine costing $23 a year to run, as the most energy-efficient new models. The consumer buying these would save $32 and $67, respectively.
