
Nicaragua Ends Contra Truce

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There it was for all to hear. The essential arrogance of the well-bred U.S. leader toward the head of an upstart antagonist country, conveyed in tones that betrayed all of the speaker’s contempt: “That little man” (Part A, Oct. 29). Third World people, many of whom do not possess great physical stature, must have heard in those words all of the implied sense of superiority ingested by the white ruling elites of the world with their mothers milk. It is amazing that President Bush didn’t say “little brown man.” To add to the insult was “animal at a garden party.” The racism was hardly sheathed.

Somehow lost was the fact that the Nicaraguan leader was suggesting that the cease-fire might not be continued because the U.S. supported Contras were killing Nicaraguans trying to register to vote. Who are animals? Where else could he hope to get the attention of the democratic leaders of this hemisphere if not at their summit? Was this just a party?

To the upper-class, decorum is all. It is not what is happening, but what seems to be happening that is important. Dress codes must be enforced. The leadership of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe are beginning to lead. Is it too much to hope that our leaders will come off their pedestals and start to relate to the real problems of the world?



Los Angeles
