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In the Sept. 24 cover story by Peter J. Boyer (“Mr. Clean’s Mid-Life Crisis”), Steve Garvey aired his dirty laundry. Then, as a sequel, we were treated with Cynthia Garvey’s one day in jail for contempt of court. This appears to be no more than an arrogant egomaniac seeking revenge on his ex-wife. Mr. Garvey states he would like to run for public office. He can’t even run his own affairs. If this man can’t be loyal to one woman, how could he possibly be loyal to a constituency. His current wife is kind enough to offer to raise the children born to the other women with whom he had affairs. Who does she think she is, a saint? I find the “new” Garveys offensive, lacking of intelligence and devoid of any human compassion for anyone but themselves. They deserve each other.

