
Bush-Gorbachev Summit in Malta

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I was still reeling in disbelief about how U.S. Atty. Gen. Dick Thornburgh made a pact with the Russian prosecutor general to jointly prosecute Nazi war criminals (Part A, Oct. 20) when you hit me with another article about how Baker wants the U.S. to have a strategic relationship on a “sound political footing” (Part A, Oct. 24)!

I feel that the Bush Administration has gone completely out of its mind about the U.S. relations with the domineering Russia (of the Soviet Union). First of all, how about prosecuting the Russians for their crimes against humanity which took place after their so-called revolution and have continued to this day. The Russian crimes are more heinous than those of the Nazis. Yet, not one politician or world leader has called for an accounting of their reign of terror. I am shocked at Thornburgh’s lack of historic knowledge, Baker’s naivete and President Bush’s ignorance. How could such dupes lead a nation like ours?

Look what the Russians have done about the treaty we made with them in 1972. How conveniently they “forgot” about the Krasnoyarsk radar station and their commitment to us in the ABM treaty. Of course, they have never honored any treaty they made with both communist and non-commmunist nations. These are the people our secretary of state wants us to be pals with. No thank you!


ERNEST LOWE, Chatsworth
