
Home Improvement : Pump Saves Energy in Cooling and Heating

<i> Dulley is a Cincinnati-based engineering consultant</i>

QUESTION: I should replace my old heat pump before winter. What are the newest and highest-efficiency heat pump designs (for both heating and air conditioning) available?

ANSWER: There are several new designs of super-high-efficiency heat pumps that can reduce your annual utility costs by many hundreds of dollars. These new heat pumps may also be a cost-effective option for homes with natural gas furnaces and central air conditioners.

A heat pump works both as a furnace and an air conditioner. The heating efficiency is rated by co-efficient of performance (COP) and the cooling efficiency by SEER, like central air conditioners.


Some new super-high-efficiency heat pumps have a maximum COP higher than three. This means that you get more than three dollars worth of heat for each dollar you pay the electric company. Cooling SEER’s are as high as 12. You can get indoor units designed to be located in a utility room, crawl space, or attic.

One new high-efficiency heat pump design uses a two-speed compressor. When your heating or air conditioning needs are low to moderate, which is the majority of the time, the compressor runs at a lower speed.

Therefore, the unit runs longer at a lower electrical usage rate. It does not cycle on and off as often as with a typical single-speed compressor. This reduces inefficiencies and greatly increases your comfort by providing even and continuous heat.


In the summer, improved comfort is even more dramatic because continuous and slower operation dehumidifies the air better. You can get an optional kit to lower the indoor blower speed too for even better comfort.

A further efficiency and comfort improvement is provided by a new, totally variable-speed compressor design. Sophisticated microprocessors determine the ideal speed for both the compressor and indoor blower to run. In effect, the heat pump capacity is always sized perfectly to provide reduced heating and cooling costs and optimum comfort.

A geothermal heat pump design provides the lowest operating costs. These use the earth as a source for heat instead of the outdoor air. Since the temperature of the ground stays warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer than the outdoor air, the efficiency remains very high year-round.


If you have a gas furnace and have to replace your central air conditioner, depending on your local utility rates, a high-efficiency heat pump may be a viable option. During mild fall and spring weather, it may be less expensive to operate a high-efficiency heat pump than an old gas furnace.

You can write to me for Utility Bills Update No. 391 showing a list of manufacturers, model numbers, and efficiency ratings for these new designs of super-high-efficiency heat pumps. Please include $1 and a self-addressed business-sized envelope. Send your requests to James Dulley, c/o Los Angeles Times, 6906 Royalgreen Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45244.

Correct Window Size for Side Facing North

Q: I’m converting my utility room to a study and plan to add a window. Since it is on the north side, should I install a very small one?

A: You are correct that you should minimize the amount of window area on the north side of your house. The coldest winter winds come from the north and the winter sun never shines in.

First check your local building codes. Most require a minimum size since it may be needed for an emergency exit. A minimum opening height or width of 18 inches and minimum opening area of 4 square feet is common.
