
Coup Launched in Philippines; Bush OKs Aid to Aquino : Rebellion: The presidential palace is bombed. Two military garrisons are taken over; the airport is closed.

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From Times Staff and Wire Reports

Rebel planes bombed President Corazon Aquino’s presidential palace in Manila today in support of a coup attempt by troops who took over at least two military camps and closed the international airport.

At least 10 people were killed and 64 wounded in fighting between the rebels and loyalist troops.

Early today, White House Press Secretary Marlin Fitzwater announced that President Bush has authorized U.S. military aid to help the Aquino government. The extent of the U.S. aid was not immediately clear.


However, Aquino said in a statement today that U.S. jets “are joining the fight to give air cover to our ground troops. This should complete the annihilation of the air assets of the rebel forces.”

Foreign military attaches said several U.S. F-4 jets flew repeatedly over Manila during the morning, but it was not clear whether they took part in any combat.

Rebel pilots in World War II-vintage single-engine planes made at least three bombing runs over Malacanang Palace on Thursday night, less than three hours after Aquino first went on state television and vowed to crush the coup attempt.


Gen. Renato de Villa, military chief of staff, said rebels had seized Villamor Air Base, headquarters of the Philippine air force; the army headquarters at Ft. Bonifacio; the government broadcast center; a private television station; and Ninoy Aquino International Airport. The airport was reported closed to all flights.

Heavy fighting also erupted around the Philippine military headquarters in Manila, with rebel forces rocketing units loyal to Aquino from helicopter gunships.

Loyalist forces were fighting back but rebel troops reportedly had captured the military’s logistics command center within the headquarters compound of Camp Aguinaldo.


Rebel planes also attacked the nearby Philippine Constabulary headquarters, setting it ablaze, witnesses said.

A bomb later damaged the transmitter of RPN television, knocking off the air the only station the government could use to broadcast assurances to the public and appeals to the rebels to surrender.

Defense Minister Fidel V. Ramos said earlier on Manila radio that he would bring up an “overwhelming force” to crush the revolt involving about 1,000 troops. The revolt has been linked to a dismissed colonel, Gregorio (Gringo) Honasan, leader of a violent army mutiny against Aquino on Aug. 28, 1987, in which 53 people were killed.

Honasan escaped from prison last year and remains at large. He gave clandestine interviews about a week ago threatening a move against Aquino.

Fitzwater, in a statement announcing U.S. aid issued from Air Force One as Bush was heading to a U.S.-Soviet summit in the Mediterranean, said, “At the request of President Aquino, the President has authorized U.S. military assistance to the government of the Philippines in defending itself against a coup attempt.

“This assistance is intended to allow the democratically elected government of the Philippines to restore order. The President also is determined to protect the lives of Americans in the Philippines,” Fitzwater said. The statement gave no details and the extent of the aid was not immediately clear.


The United States has continually voiced strong support for Aquino, who restored democracy in the Philippines after 20 years of authoritarian rule by the late Ferdinand E. Marcos ended in a coup in February, 1986.

Fitzwater on Thursday warned that all aid would be suspended if Aquino is removed in a coup. She has defeated five previous coup attempts.

” . .According to U.S. law, all U.S. foreign assistance to the Philippines would be suspended if the elected government of the Philippines were removed by a military coup,” Fitzwater said.

The U.S. military restricted travel by its 40,000 troops, military dependents and Defense Department civilians stationed at the six bases here.

U.S. Embassy spokesman Jerry Huchel warned Americans living in Manila to stay in their homes as violence escalated. Up to 100,000 other U.S. civilians live in the Philippines.

On Thursday night, U.S. officials said it appeared the coup attempt was confined to about 200 army rebels. “I think it’s just another one of those flare-ups,” said one Administration official.


As three T-28 aircraft bombed and rocketed the compound of Malacanang Palace, presidential guards responded with small arms fire. “They’re bombing us!” a palace staff member cried over the telephone. “We’re going down!”

Lourdes Sytangco, deputy presidential spokeswoman, said Aquino was safe. Sytangco said she could not give a damage report because no one could leave the building.

No official casualty figures were available more than eight hours after the insurrection began. But witnesses and reporters said at least 10 people were killed and 64 wounded.

“An attempt to seize power by force is again being made,” Aquino said in a nationally televised address. “Our forces have the situation under control. We shall smash this shameless and naked attempt once more.

“This nation must never be allowed to fall unto the hand of tyrants. Those who wish to be kings are here once more, despite repeated rejections by the people.”

Cardinal Jaime Sin, Roman Catholic archbishop of Manila, urged his countrymen “to support the duly constituted authority.”


Defense Secretary Ramos said the rebellion began shortly after midnight Thursday when about 200 marines tried to enter Villamor. About two hours later, air force troops who had been guarding the gate left their posts and mutinous marines took over security at the base perimeter.

Rebels fired heavy weapons at the headquarters of the 205th Helicopter Wing, setting fire to the building.

Truckloads of mutineers, wearing white arm bands and carrying red flags, entered the government radio and television station and the adjacent private station ABS-CBN. The significance of the red and white colors was not clear.

Mutineers at the government television station cheered and shouted: “Cory is dead! Cory is dead!” when they saw the attack on the palace.

Rudolfo Aguinaldo, governor of Cagayan province and a former lieutenant colonel, said in a radio interview that soldiers in his northern Luzon area supported the mutiny and “we are bringing in artillery and armor.”

Manila radio stations also reported units had mutinied near Legazpi, 220 miles southeast of Manila. Retired Brig. Gen. Jesus Hermosa, a security adviser in Cebu province, said a boatload of mutineers had landed near Cebu City’s Mactan International Airport, 350 miles southeast of Manila. Mactan, the country’s second major airport after Manila, is a major transportation hub.


Rumors of a new coup attempt swept Manila last month after a dispute over plans to reorganize the Philippine Constabulary.

Congress is considering a proposal to abolish the Constabulary, a branch of the armed forces, and replace it with a civilian-controlled national police.

Honasan’s coup attempt in August, 1987, was the bloodiest and most dangerous of the half-dozen revolts against Aquino. The colonel had played a key role in the military mutiny that started the uprising against Marcos, who died in exile in Hawaii on Sept. 28.

He became disenchanted with Aquino, however, accusing her of failing to crush Communist rebels and rid the government of corruption.

He was arrested in December, 1987, but escaped from a prison ship in Manila Bay the next April.

Staff writer Jim Mann, in Washington, and Dolly Amor, The Times’ office assistant in Manila, contributed to this story.


DISPUTE OVER AQUINO--Foes and backers of Corazon Aquino engage in shouting match at L.A. Consulate. B3
