
CYPRESS : Group Abandons Age, Arnold Recall

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The organizers of a campaign to recall Mayor Cecilia L. Age and Councilwoman Margaret M. Arnold announced this week that they have abandoned their plans.

The group had until Dec. 13 to collect 4,684 signatures--20% of the city’s registered voters--to force a special recall election, Deputy City Clerk Lillian Haina said.

Recall committee chairwoman Alice Rogers said the group had gathered about 3,800 signatures but decided not to proceed in order to save the city the expense of a special election.


Rogers added that the group was encouraged by Age’s comments after being selected mayor by her colleagues on Monday.

“Perhaps, and let us emphasize perhaps, Ms. Age not only clearly understands but appreciates the responsibility, commitment and moral obligations of serving a city and all its constituents,” Rogers said.

The recall drive was started in August because of Age’s and Arnold’s support of the controversial Cypress Downs project, a business and recreational proposal for 167 acres surrounding Los Alamitos Race Course. The project was turned down in a special February ballot measure.


Rogers said the group was also motivated by Age’s and Arnold’s support of Councilman Walter Bowman, who won his seat on the five-member council in July through a court order.

Arnold nominated Bowman for the seat after the list of 14 potential candidates to replace former Mayor William Davis had been narrowed down to two.

Arnold and Age voted for Bowman, who supported the Cypress Downs plan, while their colleagues, John Kanel and Gail H. Kerry, abstained.


Superior Court Judge Eileen C. Moore ruled in July that the abstentions must be regarded as yes votes and Bowman was seated.

Arnold said on Thursday that supporting Bowman and the Cypress Down plan were no reason to start a recall.

“I think a recall is a drastic effort and should be against someone who’s done something really wrong. This effort was totally unfounded and unwarranted,” she said.

Age expressed relief that the recall threat was behind her.

“It’s not a pleasant experience to take your children to the supermarket and have people in front of the store waving around a petition with your name on it.

“I felt I hadn’t done anything to justify a recall, but I was never afraid of it and didn’t let it influence any of my decisions. It’s encouraging for me to see the hatchet buried and that there are no sides any more,” she said.
