
Broderick Children Lose

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I am deeply troubled by your articles on the Broderick family.

What is most disturbing to me is the continued focus upon the pre- and post-divorce bitterness between Dan and Betty Broderick. There seems to be an underlying assumption in your articles that hatred between ex-spouses is justified and can somehow excuse family violence.

Having worked for a number of years in the courts as a psychologist dealing with child custody, I have learned the following: the courts are not fair; judges give orders, not solutions; and anger between divorcing spouses almost always harms children more than their parents.

If there are “victims” from the Broderick divorce, it is their children, not the parents. Four beautiful children have lost two--if not three--parents whom they loved. I feel their hurt and mourn their loss with them.


How about a series of articles on preventing domestic violence?


La Jolla
