
Lynwood : Council Seeks Law Covering Hazardous Waste Facilities

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In a move that will make it more difficult for companies to build hazardous waste storage, disposal and treatment facilities in Lynwood, the City Council approved an ordinance Tuesday that would give the city greater control over construction of such facilities.

The council, on a 5-0 vote, declared a moratorium on new plants and gave the Planning Commission 45 days to propose laws regulating the plants.

Before the council acted, no special review was required by the city if plants were built in areas zoned for heavy manufacturing. A permit from the state Department of Health Services was required.


During November, residents applied pressure on the City Council to shut down a chemical manufacturing plant and its incinerator. Council members concluded that they lacked the authority to close the controversial Cargill Inc. plant.

Cargill manufactures resins that are used in plastic and paint products.
