
IRVINE : Agran in Mexico for Sister City Talks

Mayor Larry Agran headed a five-member Irvine delegation that left for Hermosillo, Mexico, Wednesday to investigate the possibility of setting up a sister city relationship.

The Irvine group planned to spend five days talking with officials of Hermosillo, a city of about 600,000 that is the capital of the Mexican state of Sonora.

Larry Larsen, a city aide, said the group included Stella Cardoza, a representative of Irvine’s city manager’s office; Fred Niditch, from the Irvine Unified School District; Jeanne Keevil, editor of the Irvine World News; and Kenny Agran, the mayor’s son.


“Sister cities traditionally have cultural, economic and student exchanges,” Larsen said. “Representatives from the two cities have been discussing this for several months.”

Agran is to discuss details of the trip at the next City Council meeting, which is scheduled for Tuesday.
