
WESTMINSTER : City Renews Drive to Improve Storefronts

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The City Council decided this week to increase its efforts to get local business owners to participate in the city’s storefront rebate program, which so far has received a cool reception.

The program was initiated in September and is designed to help businesses improve the exterior appearance of their buildings, with the city footing a large chunk of the bill.

Redevelopment Agency members expressed concern over the lack of interest shown in the program.


“We don’t want to make it a requirement to participate, but we do want to encourage the businesses,” Mayor Charles V. Smith said.

Through the program, businesses can obtain money for: removal of old signs, awnings and exterior clutter; cleaning or painting exteriors; and the purchase and installation of new signs, awnings and landscaping.

They also can receive design assistance and construction-management advice.

The program is targeted for buildings on blocks where improvements are scheduled to be made and along major traffic thoroughfares where buildings appear cluttered.


Cash rebates of up to 75% are available for businesses that meet the program’s criteria. Smaller percentages are available for larger jobs.

The Redevelopment Agency instructed city staff to take a more aggressive approach in getting businesses to participate. Letters detailing the program will be sent with new business licenses, and a brochure on the program is in the works.

City Manager Jerry Kenny said the personal touch is needed to make the program work as it has in other cities across the state.


“Agency members and staff need to go out in the streets promoting the project instead of waiting for phone calls,” Kenny said.
