
Casolo Arrested in El Salvador

Why would Casolo, a graduate from prestigious Brandeis University with highest honors, with a potentially brilliant career in the U.S., move to El Salvador to help the poor when there is so much need for her services and expertise in the United States?

She lived in El Salvador for five years, meeting government officials and military leaders. She arranged tours for church workers, congressional aides, and other U.S. VIPs who came to El Salvador to see the devastation of civil war and judge for themselves the validity of continued U.S. support for the government.

Recently the Salvadoran government dug up an extensive cache of arms in Casolo’s back yard. She was arrested.


This raised many questions. What was she really doing in El Salvador? Was she a courier? Was she helping the rebels? Was she on a clandestine mission for the Justice Department? Her suspected activities were an embarrassment.

We have been flogging a dead horse with dollars for 10 years. Why? Why not invoke the seldom used Neutrality Act of 1939. This act expresses the desire of the United States to preserve its neutrality in wars between foreign states and to avoid involvement therein and also imposes restrictions upon the nationals without waiving their rights under international law. Can you possibly visualize how the U.S. and its people are threatened by tiny El Salvador--the mouse challenging the elephant.

It’s time to stop meddling in the internal affairs of foreign countries and use our money and resources to solve our own problems. “Charity begins at home.”



Sherman Oaks
