
Nation IN BRIEF : ILLINOIS : 1st Liver Transplant Infant Has Surgery

From Times staff and wire reports

Alyssa Smith, the 22-month-old girl from Texas who became the nation’s first live-donor liver transplant recipient, successfully underwent her second operation in two days to stop bleeding on the surface of her new organ. She was listed in critical but stable condition after undergoing 3 hours and 40 minutes of surgery at the University of Chicago Hospitals. Doctors said it was too early for a prognosis after the surgery. “The bleeding is under control at this point and they will monitor her closely over the next few days,” a spokeswoman said. Meanwhile, 16-month-old Sarina Jones of Millington, Tenn., who received part of her father’s liver in the second live-donor liver transplant in the United States, remained in critical but stable condition.
