
Implementing Proposition 103

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George’s column was right on the mark. Until the advent of Prop. 103 I admired Nader very much. However, since I have a little knowledge of insurance rating, claims and the sums of money paid out for them (my husband is a State Farm Insurance agent), it has been obvious to me from the beginning that Nader and Rosenfield have been relentlessly pushing insurance “reforms” that they, as lawyers, must know are unworkable, probably unconstitutional and even nonsensical.

My question is, “Why is Mr. Nader doing this?” It is costing the people millions of dollars to go to court, to restructure criteria for rates, to hire huge administrative staffs. We will end up paying a lot more for insurance, pouring our tax dollars down a rat hole, and we will all be angry. And we can blame Nader for this.


El Cajon
