
Politics of Abortion

Times reporter George Skelton did an excellent job of in-depth reporting when he pointed out the governor’s inconsistency in criticizing the “exploitation” of the abortion issue in recent elections while he (the governor) exploited the death penalty issue during the last election.

The governor says, “Abortion is a moral issue. It should not be exploited for political gain.” This is as silly a statement as it is unrealistic. Since when did a politician refrain from “exploiting” any issue if it would help him win the election. Voters have a right to know a candidate’s stand on all issues: moral, economic and even, philosophical.

If, as reported, Deukmejian supports abortion in special situations (rape, incest, and the physical and mental health of the mother) isn’t it appropriate to ask how this position squares with the Republican national platform provision calling for a constitutional amendment banning all abortions. Republican candidates must have their feet held to the fire on this moral issue until such time as their party platform is changed to reflect an allowance for an individual’s choice in this most personal matter.



