
Legalizing Illicit Drugs


When I used to see people laughing and winking at a youngster who was high after having smoked some marijuana, I kept telling my acquaintances that eventually he would go on to experiment with the hard drugs. He would think that since marijuana was OK, why not try the other substances that were being peddled on the streets. I was told I was wrong.

When cocaine was touted as a harmless recreational drug, I kept saying it was a very addictive drug and a hard substance from which to wean yourself. I was told I was wrong.

Now I am saying that legalization of drugs would be a disaster. Because of curiosity and peer pressure, millions of Americans will experiment with drugs if they are available, and they will become addicts. We will have a nation of people lacking the energy to be productive, lacking the drive to achieve and create because all they will be looking forward to is their next high.



Los Angeles
