
Buchanan on Monroe Doctrine


I cannot refrain from writing this letter after reading the drivel by Patrick Buchanan (“The Monroe Doctrine: Use It or Lose It,” Opinion, Dec. 31). I am not syndicated, I’m simply a retired educator. But I can recognize dangerously foolish ideas when they are put forth.

Buchanan obviously has not done any homework on the Monroe Doctrine. This document does not permit the United States to run rampant over any country in this hemisphere. Its intent was and is to prevent foreign powers from interfering with American countries.

Then Buchanan discusses the true threats to our vital interests. He doesn’t discuss what are our “vital interests,” but he does mention Nicaragua, a small country with a population total of roughly 3.5 million people. (That’s less than the population of greater Los Angeles.) And this country is threatening the United States?


Then Buchanan mentions the “impressive display of U.S. power.” The only successes this great fighting machine has experienced have been the conquering of Grenada (population under 100,000) and Panama (a grand population total of a little over 2 million). And both of these invasions were botched, succeeding only because of sheer numbers.

How about the disaster in Lebanon, Mr. Buchanan? And the horror we are bringing to El Salvador? Yes, under President Reagan the defense establishment managed to spend trillions of dollars, leaving a debt which every American will have to face sooner or later.

To quote again, “Was it not worth it?”

Need I answer that, Mr. Buchanan?


Van Nuys
