
Some Additions to ‘List to End All Lists’


I’d like to add a couple of quotes to Bell’s list (“Quote--A List to End All ’89 Lists--Unquote,” Life, Jan. 6).

Most sanctimonious and hypocritical: Eric Lichtblau wrote last November regarding mailers sent by the Irvine Values Coalition: “But a closer examination of at least four repeated campaign claims shows them to be distortions or outright misrepresentations of the facts.” Oh really? Isn’t that the perfect epitome of the pot calling the kettle black? Journalists do that all the time. Besides, The Times refused to wait until the IVC was able to produce the documentation to support their claims.

Most absurd: This dubious honor goes to no other than The Times publisher, David Laventhol, when commenting on the closure of the Herald: “The absence of the Herald is going to place an even greater responsibility on The Times to be fair, accurate and complete in its reporting and to provide a forum for multiple voices on important issues.” You have the right to print anything you like in your newspaper, but please don’t insult your readers’ intelligence by claiming to be fair, accurate, etc.


The above quotes were taken from The Times so there is no guarantee of accuracy.

Brenda Hester,

Garden Grove
