
Pentagon Spending and Closing Bases


The hypocrisy of California’s senators and representatives really came to the fore with the announcement of base closings. Sen. Alan Cranston (D-Calif.) and Rep. Leon Panetta (D-Carmel Valley) have been bashing the Pentagon about not cutting spending enough. As soon as the cuts touch their bailiwicks they scream. Always hurt the other guy.

California has been the most fortunate of all the states in defense spending since World War II. Some of the bases which were feasible during World War II are no longer fitting to the training and the conditions required.

Most military installations in California are in or near high-density areas where cost of living is very high as is cost of operations. California is growing rapidly enough without having the military absorbing space and housing.


Why can’t our people and representatives face the fact that you can’t cut government spending without cutting government’s presence. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.


Los Angeles
