
One Man’s Experience Strikes Familiar Chord


Bruce Bean’s article was well done and raises our sympathy. We all must agree that the Stuart case in Boston was in great error, but when the seeming victim of a violent double crime describes his assailant, the authorities cannot be blamed for searching for the person so described.

For most of my adult life I have been giving to Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, the Urban League, Southern Poverty Law Center. The last time I had an unusual kindness done me by an Afro-American male was 25 years ago. Since then I have had two cars stolen and recovered in black areas after having been stripped and vandalized. I have been mugged and robbed by blacks. I have been robbed at gunpoint once by an Afro-American who said, “You and your kind have been taking from me my whole life. Now I’m taking from you.” Another time I escaped two robbers.

I give everyone “common courtesy and respect” but am tired of being a victim.

JOHN D. ANDREWS, Palos Verdes Peninsula
