
It’s Time to Listen to the Children


What a refreshing article Bob Sipchen writes: “Who Should Be Raising the Kids?” (Magazines, Feb. 8).

Journalists are finally getting the nerve up to tell it like it is. I’ve encountered more bewildered and lonely children from two-income families or from families who believe it is someone else’s responsibility to take care of, nurture, raise and educate their children; or (children of) mothers who place toddlers in front of the television set all day.

These children feel dejected. They have no sense of inspiration or creativity. They’ve been robbed of that through bad day care and worse television. We are surely creating a very sad future generation.


The “Nurturing ‘90s.” I love it. It’s about time someone woke up and not just heard the children, but actually took some of that “quality time” and listened.

